Been about a week since I typed a proper post, 'cause I was:
`ONE! Too lazy.
`TWO! Had boring average days.
So yeah... So let me try and recount the previous days... Hmmm...
Thursday was a normal average Thursday, if I remember correctly... Yeah, the only highlight was getting thrashed, once again, by Xiao Mantou in DJ Max 2. Grrrr... I WILL BEAT YOU ONE DAAAAAAAAAAY! YEAH! YOU CAN BET ON THAT MAN! (:
Friday was average too, except that I made... CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES! WOO HOO! (:
It took me like such a long time though, damn chocolates took like so long to harden till I realised I shouldn't have used so much Thickened Whipping Cream. Blah... Never mind, it was like my first time making it, so it was a really good try, ok? Hahaha... Anyways, lets the pictures and the captions do the talking for the entire process of making the Chocolate Truffles! (:
Alright, so I'm going to give it another few tries to perfect it, and I have the perfect guniea pig, Mr Donuts! A.K.A. SHAWN! Wahahaha! Ahem... Ok, moving on...
PMS3 was super fun! Rocked to the max man! YEAH! Took over 200 pictures, and yeah, that means a lot of uploading. Already uploaded half of it, the other half like maybe tomorrow night then upload. Muahahaha.... d:
Sunday basically sucked so won't talk about it.
Monday was worse so Rachel, just shut up. (:
Yesterday had dinner with the 3 Mantous and Xiao Long Bao. Went all the way to White Sands, bought that stupid bag of white washed potatoes and had dinner in the Kopitiam. Then bused 88 home with the Da Mantous. (:
This morning woke up at 5am to cook the stupid Hassel Potatoes which basically was a bloody waste of time since no one really ate it. Fudge, a bit pissed with that man... Wasted my time, sleep and money for nothing! Grrr....
After school, went to the Cyber Center to vote for IITC and TPSU.
Ok, then after that dinnered with Phantos to celebrate Ben's birthday. (:
Ok, now with the really super negative. Kindly please ignore the blank spot if you don't want to read some profanities and serious rants. If you really want to know then you can highlight the blank spot to read it. (:
There's one really irritating asshole in my class that's seriously ticking me off with his freaky ways. I mean there's a certain extent to clinginess, but please, can you please stop fucking following me? IT'S SERIOUSLY TICKING ME OFF! Like back off, go away, SCRAM! BECAUSE I SERIOUSLY HATE BEING STARED AT AND FOLLOWED! Not only does it piss me off and make me feel uncomfortable, it also ACTUALLY AFFECTS me socializing with others! SO JUST FUCK OFF MAN!
When I wanna be alone, it's like you follow me, and when I pratically run away from you, you just don't take the bloody hint and just follow me. Like what the hell man, what the fuck is wrong with you?! When I want to hang with my two friends, just the three of us, you suddenly pull away from the people you were initially with and join us. So I had to once again join some other group of friends 'cause I just didn't want to deal with you. So many more examples, but typing them out will only piss me off.
Ok, rant over. (:
Any-hooooooo, time to get cracking on my Web Design and Computer Skills Tutorials, so I better get going.
Catch you guys on the flip side! (:
`5 more days to Term Test! YIKERS! D:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Start studying for upcoming Term Tests!!! ***
`FINISH up WDS Blog*
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