Friday, August 15, 2008

For many years
You’ve been with me,
Through thick and thin,
With me you’ve seen.

Seen the cruelty of it all,
Seen me masquerading
As if at a ball,
Felt the insults thrown my way,
Kept me smiling through the day.

But now I know,
I’ve neglected you too long,
I’ve left you in a corner
Leaning against the wall.

Because of this,
The price I pay,
Is greater than anything
Anyone could lay.

Like a slap in the face,
When I realise you’re gone,
It’s too late to reconcile
What has been lost.

My old friend,
I need you,
But what can I do?
It’s hard to replace
Something as precious as you.

You were there to hide
The tears and the pain,
You were there to put
That fake smile on my face.

You were there when
No one else was,
You were there through my
Everything and all.

With a thousand regrets,
And a futile wish you’d return,
I say goodbye to you,
My old mask through the years.

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