Monday, August 11, 2008

Web design is finally over! YES! O MAH GEE! YEAH! GROOVY BABY! <3

So what's left? Still a whole lotta stuff that's needs a whole lotta attention and a whole lotta time. Urgh... CONSTANT VIGILANCE! That's what Mad Eye Moody said... You know? Mad Eye Moody? From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?


Bah... Never mind...

Yep, so right now I'm doing nothing, just waiting for my dinner, so to spend my time, I'm just gonna blog. Hmmm... Ahhh... Ohh... Damn, I love randomness, 'cause where's the fun in life if every thing's just so much like a routine, yeah? Mmm hmmm...

So later I'm going to work on my PRSP (JAVA), which I absolutely abhor. Gah, Java, the one inanimate thing I cannot stand, blah...

Boredom kills. Trust me because right now, it's killing me. (:

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