Saturday, September 13, 2008
I want to be truthful, but I'm always so afraid of the consequences, of what others will say. But then again, at times my thoughts just hold me back, they just eat me up. I hate my thoughts, but sometimes I just get the feeling that what I think is correct, that the truth is not too far from what I think, that maybe I am nothing short of a nuisance.
Maybe I should disconnect myself? Maybe I should pull away, before it's too late? Maybe I should stop my wishful thinking and just leave?
I hate my thoughts, because at times I'd much rather die than have to think again...
It's not that I want to be sad, it's not that I want to be down, because honestly, who wants to be upset? I try again and again to be happy and cheerful but reality always sets in and I'm left the loser with the stupid fake grin on her face.
I'm sick of it.
Sometimes I just wish that I could blow my brains out so that I can hear nothing but sweet, pure silence again...
Knowing me I'll just shift this post else where later since I'm nothing but a coward, afraid to let people see what I really think...
I wish someone would just tell me that it's alright to be me, that it will be alright if I stayed...
Monday, September 8, 2008
PC celebrated post-Journey together at Changi Beach Club's Seafood Restaurant, and the food was great! The only thing that marred it's perfection was the bill (YIKES!) and this creepy waiter/supervisor that kept glaring our way. Bleah... But the food was cool! Let me try and remember the courses...
Salad (Lettuce, Cabbage, Mayo and Peanuts)
Starter Platter (*NOT Deep Fried): Fish and Chicken Floss, Tofu, Silver Fish, *Egg, *Jellyfish
Seafood Tofu Soup(?)
Claypot Chicken
One HUGE Fried Fish
Mushroom and Broccoli
Fried Rice with Prawns and Spring Onion
LARGE Tiger Prawns
Mango Sago
Cool right? Damn nice please! (:
Then after that, bill had to be settled, which was like a major OUCH! It was $773! Didn't expect it to be that costly! Then I had to call Dad to get the bill settled since it would be billed under his account. I had to get him to talk to the guy in black after which the guy said sorry. Haha... Funny, cause I don't see why he should say sorry, aside from the fact that he kept glaring at us. Oh well...
After that some of us went off to watch Wall-E which is superb! I give it a 7.8 out of 10 for it's killer graphics and cute robot love. (:
Went over to Gab Pat's house to see his dog Summer after that before hanging with the others for a while BEFORE FINALLY departing for home. Yup...
So I was out for like 13 hours in total. PC, I love you! All members are super huggable!
OH! And I bumped into Eric at the Cinema too. LOL! (:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I know, I know, I'm supposed to be mugging, but I don't want to anymore. Hmmmph! But what choice do I have? I don't want to have to take the supp. paper OR retake Computer Systems, because there's no way I'm going to stay back with *AHEM*. Heh heh... Ok that was mean, but whatever. (:
Personally, I think that this is the only paper I'm in danger of flunking, seriously, 'cause I think the project is screwed (no offense) and my term test is like totally a big red F. GAH!!!! RACHEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! MUG MUG MUG!
But first, I want to blog. Heh heh... :3
Anyways, I'll be returning to MapleSEA to play with my old friends. Call it childish or whatever you want, but I'll still love it. And to think, I used to mock it! Hahaha! Eridanus! Here I come!!!! Time to say bye bye to Delphinus! Ok, maybe not totally goodbye, just little bit. Hoho... (:
Ok, heres what I think I'll get for my final grades, thinking realistically (?) of course. ;3
CMSY: C or D
PRSP: C or D
Vis Lit: B or C
APEL: B or C
WDS: B+ or B
C Maths: B or C
Ew, yucky marks, but that's what I honestly think I'll score. Oh wells... T___T
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I had to read for 7.30am mass today, and I kind of tripped three times during the reading. Bleah... Never mind, this just tells me that I need a whole lot more practice if I want to be a better lector. Yup...
In the afternoon, mum and I went out with the folks to IKEA in Tampines. I know I take the bus to school almost everyday, but somehow, I managed to forget how close IKEA is to home compared to school. Hahaha...
Strolled around with Kristle and bounced on a few beds and couches, it's damn fun please. (:
Then after that had the oh-so-famous Swedish meatballs. Still don't understand why they combined jam and meat balls though. Hmmm... Strange eh? Oh well, different culture, different things I guess. (:
I managed to finally get my hands on these three plastic boxes (Pink, Yellow, White) that I've been dying to get since Secondary school, 'cause seriously, they look so cool! I'm going to use them to store some of my stars, my future NICE colour pencils, and perhaps use the last one as a literal pencil box. Hahaha... xD
I managed to find the glass bottle I wanted, but instead of getting that, I chose to get a REALLY BIG glass jar because it's just so awesome! This is really going to motivate me to keep folding till next year because by then, it'd definitely be filled to the brim with my many straw stars. Now the next question is WHERE to get those lovely multi-coloured stars. Hmmm...
Lastly, I got one last thing, a TABLE! Not just any old table, but a nice SMALL computer table that you can ROLL around! And it was super cheap, only $79! Awesome bargain of the day! Now I can finally have a proper table to do my work instead of using that stupid mahjong table. Wheeeeee!!!! xD
Anyways, I played a lot of "The Godfather" recently. Think I'm addicted to it. Hahaha! But it doesn't really matter 'cause I think I'll finish the game in at least a few more hours. Hohoho... All hail Rachel! The NEW DON of NYC! In my game only of course. (;
Ok, nothing much to blog about, so I guess it's time to just turn on the telly and watch some Ed, Edd n' Eddy!
Au revoir! <3
Edit: I can't believe I accidentally posted this in the class blog! GAH! I REALLY hope nobody saw that! X___x"
Saturday, August 16, 2008
And why seven? Well, it's because I was listening to a song called "7 things" by Miley Cyrus. Hahaha... xD
The 7 Things You May Not Know About Me
Number ONE:
Honestly, I think that Digimon is still one of the coolest animes with all the imaginative graphics and all that. I mean, come on, cute little things that look more like stuffed toys that can morph into super powerful monsters? It's still SO AWESOME in my eyes. Laugh all you want, but I don't care. Digital Monsters all the way!!!! Wahahaha! (:
Number TWO:
Despite being a little more than sixteen, I'm still afraid of the dark, ESPECIALLY after a reeeaaaally creepy horror movie. Yes, I am afraid of things that go bump in the night, even in my home, especially after dreaming that my own home was haunted, not just once, but THRICE! GAH! At least the nightmares were all different, because if they were the same, I'd REALLY be freaked out! YIKERS! T__T
Number THREE:
When I was working in a certain tuition center during the holidays, I kinda dropped my boss's Blackberry. (A Blackberry is a PDA phone, for those that have no clue what that is.) I was tidying a pile of papers on the table, and was shuffling them, not knowing that the Blackberry was on the top of the pile! So next thing I knew it, it just crashed onto the parquet floor. I was like, "OMG!" for a moment before I put it quietly back without anyone noticing. Up till now, my boss doesn't know I dropped it. But at least it was alright? Ok, maybe not, because it kind of went wonky two weeks later... Oops... X__x"
Number FOUR:
I'm afraid of Hotels, yes, hotels. Whenever at a hotel, I always force my mum to leave the lights on throughout the night. I can't really help it, I'm paranoid, especially having two not so nice occurrences happen in a hotel. So basically, I hate hotels, home is the best place, full stop. :p
Number FIVE:
I secretly wish that I had a Nitendo DS so that I can play the latest Pokemon games. Heh heh... First Digimon, now Pokemon? Yup, I love them both, heck, I can still remember all 151 Pokemon from the first season. (Kanto region, was it? Hmmm...) But I prefer the games to watching the show, less tedious. Hahaha... I can still remember the versions I've played. Yellow, Blue, Red, Crystal, Silver, Sapphire and Fire Red. Hohoho... Yup, I own ALL of the above stated versions. (;
Number SIX:
I like the show Hannah Montana! YES! I'm still a kid at heart, got a problem with that? Haha... I mean come on, great vocals, great cast, and it's on DISNEY! What other reason do I need? Oh, and the soundtrack is totally awesome, since I'm still into tween and teen pop. ^^ v
Number SEVEN:
I prefer breakfast foods more than lunch food. Super random but oh so true. I'd pick cereal and milk over rice any day! Hahaha... :D
So have you read anything new about me? I bet you've learned at least one new thing about me, right? LoL (:
Adios amigos! X3
Friday, August 15, 2008
For many years
You’ve been with me,
Through thick and thin,
With me you’ve seen.
Seen the cruelty of it all,
Seen me masquerading
As if at a ball,
Felt the insults thrown my way,
Kept me smiling through the day.
But now I know,
I’ve neglected you too long,
I’ve left you in a corner
Leaning against the wall.
Because of this,
The price I pay,
Is greater than anything
Anyone could lay.
Like a slap in the face,
When I realise you’re gone,
It’s too late to reconcile
What has been lost.
My old friend,
I need you,
But what can I do?
It’s hard to replace
Something as precious as you.
You were there to hide
The tears and the pain,
You were there to put
That fake smile on my face.
You were there when
No one else was,
You were there through my
Everything and all.
With a thousand regrets,
And a futile wish you’d return,
I say goodbye to you,
My old mask through the years.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Want to know why?
It's because if I want to achieve my own happiness, it would be a very selfish move, but if I strive to make others happy, it would be better because simply, if one person is unhappy, but two are happy, then that's great! It's simple mathematics! Think about it this way, it's better to have more happy people than those who are sad, right?
So, yes! Dead ringer! I'll try that and see the outcome of it. Though it will hurt like hell, but who cares? Happiness is happiness, it doesn't matter if it's not mine, it's STILL happiness.
Tell me I'm right, because I know I am. (:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
import java.util.Scanner;
public class STARTWORK {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("WORK! RARRRRR!!!!!!");
//The above code actually works! HAHA! BAH! RACHEL! CONCENTRATE!!!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tomorrow, I'm going to go to school early to work on my Java, right after I collect my testimonial from my secondary school. So... Hmmm...
7.00am - Wake up
7.30am - Shower
8.00am - Leave
8.30am - Reach SJC
9.00am - Leave SJC
10.30am - Reach TP AND DO JAVA! RAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!
2.00pm - Have CMSY Lecture
And so on and so forth... Hmmm...
Time for CMATHS! (:
Bah! Change in tomorrow's plans...
6.30am - Leave for School
7.45am - Reach School and Start Cracking my Brains
9.00am - KP Arrives (?)
11.00am - Val Arrives (?)
2.00pm - CMSY Lecture
And so on and so forth.
CMATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!
So what's left? Still a whole lotta stuff that's needs a whole lotta attention and a whole lotta time. Urgh... CONSTANT VIGILANCE! That's what Mad Eye Moody said... You know? Mad Eye Moody? From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
Bah... Never mind...
Yep, so right now I'm doing nothing, just waiting for my dinner, so to spend my time, I'm just gonna blog. Hmmm... Ahhh... Ohh... Damn, I love randomness, 'cause where's the fun in life if every thing's just so much like a routine, yeah? Mmm hmmm...
So later I'm going to work on my PRSP (JAVA), which I absolutely abhor. Gah, Java, the one inanimate thing I cannot stand, blah...
Boredom kills. Trust me because right now, it's killing me. (:
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
`Plan for Post-Journey (Talk to Dad tonight)
`Prepare for WDS Presentation (Monday)
`Do up PRSP Assignment (Due Wednesday)
`Finish up Vis Lit (Due Friday)
`Sell 20 Journey tickets
`Study for CMaths and CMSY
RAAAaaarr...!!! Where's that shiny red button when you need it? X___x"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
By: Click 5
Hey girl, what's your name I think I caught you looking my way
Do you wanna know how to get me all to your own
Weekends work the best I'll pick the place you do the rest
Hey now don't be shy but you got to keep me in line
Love at first sight never thought in could happen to me
But you made me believe
Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far, not far from the start
Kidnap my heart.
Can you get me up more
Fun that I can ever dream of
Could you tie me down
Can you keep me hanging around
I don't wanna be into keep you company
Put your hand in mine got to hold on top of the ride
Love at first sight never thought in could happen to me
But you made me believe
Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far, not far from the start
Kidnap my heart.
You got to hold me tighter
Cause I'm a real fighter
Don't tear us apart
Love at first sight never thought in could happen to me
But you made me believe
Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far, not far from the start
Kidnap my heart.
Kidnap my heart
Kidnap my heart...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Ok, first off, I ditched PRSP lecture 'cause I seriously was in no mood to sit down and listen to things that I simply cannot understand. Hahaha... So instead, I hung out with Aty, Val, Jian Hui and Gerald in the canteen. Then I helped photocopy Vis Lit stuff for others. Yup...
Before we departed for Computer Systems, we cam-whored for a bit. Well... Mainly them, but that's because I hate being in front of the camera, I'd rather be behind it, capturing all the smiles and emotions on the faces of others. (:
Then after Computer Systems, I hung out with Chu Sian, Chun Chee, Jingle and Kok Peng for lunch and so on and so forth...
Then today for Visual Literacy, we were released early so that we could start on the next assignment with our group. My group consisted of Gerald, Chun Chee, Kok Peng and Rashid. So we decided to go to Changi Airport to take some of the pictures.
Went to terminal 3 and took some shots, though I got irritated by something, but never mind! It's ok! 'Cause it seems that I wasn't the only one annoyed. Lalala...
Then after that, KP and J went absolutely nuts! like super duper UBER HIGH HYPER NUTS! So funny man, it's not something I can retell because you just had to be there to understand. Hahaha... So yeah... They and their mind games! RAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!
I want to go sleeeeepppp! Sleeping may be a waste of time, but it's certainly something enjoyable. Hahaha! So contradictory!
Tomorrow then I'll upload the pictures into the class photo blog, 'cause now, all I want to do is curl up with my newpaper and quilt. Hahaha...
Night night! (:
`9 days till PC's Sentoa outing! (:
`58 days to JOURNEY! Buy tickets from me if you want to see me act as a GRANDMA! :D
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`WDS Proposal***
`PRSP Assignment***
`CMaths Tutorial 7**
`Visual Literacy "Colour Appreciation"(?)*
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
It's like a roller coaster, one that never seems to end, where Secondary school was the middle of the big upside down loop and the beginning of Poly was the end of it. It felt like finally, I can remove that bar on my lap and get off that scary ride, but now, I feel like I'm being forcibly shoved back onto it to once again and suffer the dizziness and aches of that stupid curse forsaken ride that's such a nightmare!
I can't help it, I can't stop thinking about the past, where true smiles were rare and tears seemed to never stop spilling, where the horror never stopped, where the loneliness never ceased and where the nightmares just kept giving.
I want to run away. I want to stop this stupid tirade and end it all! I want out! I'm sick of these emotions and I don't want to put up with them anymore! Screw it all, screw everything! Just leave me to cry in my dusty old corner like how they all used to do whilst laughing at my pathetic state of mind! At the ugliness of my life!
I hate them! I hate them for what they've done to me! I hate them for leaving me so shaken and broken that I can't get up and fight anymore! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!
Friday, June 27, 2008
First week of school has been amazingly great, and I feel more secure now. I know it sounds super odd, but I've always been afraid, frightened that people around me would just one day turn on me, reject me, and once again, I would be all by myself once more...
But now I know that it isn't true, that I'm no longer by myself, and this feeling I get when I'm around my friends, it's unbelievable, something I've never felt before.
I'm grateful for that, for all of you, because it's because of all of you that I can smile with confidence. (:
I know it sounds cliched, but it's seriously true, every single word of it.
Ok, enough with that, let's get on with life. Hahaha...
Today I had Dramatec and we were briefed on Magus Luna after the little vocal workshop we had. The theme this year is "Sinfully Indulgent", and I've decided to do a monologue. Hopefully I'll pass the auditions. (:
Which means that I'm going to have to get into the mindset of the character I'm going to act as, in other words, as a murderer.
Think obsession Rachel, think stalker scary obsession. (:
`64 days to JOURNEY! Buy tickets from me if you want to see me act as a GRANDMA! :D
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`WDS Proposal***
`CMaths Tutorial 7***
`Touch Up for Visual Literacy 101**
`Script for Magus Luna**
`PRSP Assignment**
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Was late in meeting Phantos yesterday for the ECP (East Coast Park) outing, was afraid I would be like last or something, haha... Forgot how Parkway Parade looked like so the nice bus driver showed me where to drop off. Thank you Mister Nice-Bus-Driver! (:
When I reached there, I called Yanti and she said that she was in Borders, so I went there and chilled with her and Glen amongst the many cook books. Yanti was absolutely in love with all the Chocolate cook books, so now we know what to get her for her next birthday! Hahaha! Shawn came later then we decided to Long John for lunch. Later Wan joined us and then we walked to ECP.
Rented bikes there for $7 an hour, then we cycled for one hour, though we stopped halfway to rest a little at the jetty.
After that, we cycled for 30 minutes more before we met up with Clarence and bought some much needed refreshments before we were off cycling once more! Damn, my butt's still bruised from the ride! LOL! (:
Then after that we mooched in McDonalds and invaded blogs!
Then went to the beach side to play a card game. Damn funny man! Everyone had to pick a name, but being me, I totally couldn't remember! Hahaha... Let me try and remember the names and categories... Hmmm...
Yanti - Octopus
Wan - Komodo Dragon
Glen - Rhinoceros
Shawn - Hippopotamus
Clarence - Elephant
Me - Flamingo
Song Names
Yanti - Kabei Kushi Kabegum (?)
Wan - Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Glen - What Goes Around Comes Around
Shawn - Staring at the Sun
Clarence - Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin
Me- 1000 no koto Ba wa
Bleah, there were other categories, but I can't remember the names... There were also countries, MRT Stations and Car Brands. Hahaha...
After that we walked towards Parkway Parade for dinner. On the way, Yanti bought a plastic blow-up bubble thingie(?) and I got a bottle of bubbles! Clarence kept trying to foil Yanti's blowing of bubbles and despite her trying to stop him, he succeeded almost all the time! Hahahaha!!!!! (:
We ate at a coffee shop near Parkway Parade. Wan had some Malay food, Glen and Shawn had Chicken Rice and I had Duck Noodles! Clarence had already eaten so had nothing whilst Yanti was having fun blowing more bubbles (She bought a box of 37!) and nicking Wan's food.
Then after that, after taking a few more pictures, we all trooped home... Well most of us, I had to rush to church for "Dance" practice. Don't ask... (:
So when I got home, I was sweaty and aching, damn shag! But hey, it was ultimately a damn fun day! Hahaha...
Today I met Lin Xi and Cliff to discuss the CMSY project and we had quite a few laughs from it, so yeah. (:
Ok, damn tired, going to go do some reading before turning in for the day.
`6 more days till it's back to school! (:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog**
`WDS Proposal**
`Visual Literacy 101 Squares**
`CMaths Tutorial
`Computer Systems Project**
`PRSP Assignment*
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Extra Mile
Scars will fade,
Shattered hearts will mend,
Memories will be lost
And nightmares will end.
Wounds will heal,
Broken hearts renewed,
The past can be erased
And I can start anew.
Forget all the troubles,
Forget all the fears,
Forget all the insults
And fake cruel peers.
Look forward and run,
Don't turn around,
And run towards the sun
Without a single doubt.
Close my eyes and wish
Upon a shooting star,
And hope that the fading light
Will carry my wish far.
Run across the meadows,
Walk along a beach,
Feel the grass and sands
Beneath the soles of my feet.
Grow wings and fly,
Deep breath, Smile,
Say goodbye to my troubles
As I go the extra mile.Rachel Linn Vera Braberry
Friday, June 13, 2008
My group, Xiao Long Bao was the absolute ultimate! We won second place in the total, but who cares! We loved it anyhow! There were like 4 girls and 4 guys in the group, which was totally lucky! Other groups had the guys outnumbering the girls! Hahaha... Jasmine, Sebby and Andrea were our group facils, the best group facils around, ok? Yeah! The other members were Amanda, Marcus, Tim and Kevin! Young Dragon Buns all the way!!!!!! (:
First day's Internal Games were fun! It involved running, soccer balls, water bombs and TOMATOES! HAHAHA! YES! TOMATOES! Isis was like totally drenched in the squashed tomatoes after the games! LOL! (:
Second day's External Games were awesome too! Lots of walking around in... TOWN! Or rather, more specifically, Clark Quay! Boat Quay! Raffles! Cross Street! Robinson Road! China Town! Hahaha!!! So many places man! Walked around for like hours, from 9.30 am to like 5pm! We were like snapping lots of pictures, cause that's the object of the game, and playing "Skill" games. Took us a super long time to find a certain place though! Hahaha! NYC painted the town green with our many groups running amok in green tees! (:
Then on the second night, we found out who our "Other Halves" were. My "Mr. Smith" was none other than DUCKY! HAHA! Priceless man! Then our pair won the "Blindfolded Dance" competition with Harold and Kumar(Sebby and Leslie)!
Then of course, NYC wouldn't be NYC without... WARM FUZZIES! Spent 4-5 hours writing them till the wee hours of the morning.(?) Hahaha... (:
The spiritual sessions were great too! I actually got a lot more out of it than I initially thought I would. Praise and Worship were awesome too! (:
Got back home at about 6pm, then Mum ordered Sakae Sushi for dinner. Was really good too! After dinner I read the book that Isis FINALLY returned to me after so many months! Hahaha... Then DJ Maxed for a bit, despite practically falling asleep on the screen. Finally decided to turn in at 9.15pm 'cause my eyes were practically drooping. Yup...
Want to hear something freaky? Last night I dreamt of bumping into Shawn (From Phantos) in town and he was like telling me that there was a Phantos outing coming up and that I should check the blog for info. Then this morning when I went to check, there really WAS an outing planned for next week! HAHA! xD
Anyways, now that camp is over, it means that I have to focus more on my work now. Urgh...
Never mind! I'll just have to make the best of it and somehow turn it fun!
Watch out world! Rachel's back and better than before! (:
`7 more days to Phantos Movie Outing at Marina Square! (:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog**
`WDS Proposal**
`Visual Literacy 101 Squares**
`CMaths Tutorial**
`Computer Systems Project**
`PRSP Assignment*
My reason,
My Savior is what you are
To me.
You free me,
Complete me,
My Savior is what you are.
There's no other like you,
There's no one besides you,
You're all that my heart can contain!
And I will love you all my life
For you are my reason,
The one that I live for.
And will love you all my life
For you are my reason,
You're the one that I live for..."
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Well not really... But still, it's something to do, something insanely fun to do. (:
Actually, to tell the truth, I don't feel excited, at all... Odd isn't it? I've always been super excited when it comes to camps, yet for some reason, I'm not...
Curious... Very curious indeed...
Oh well, be back on Thursday!
Toodles! (:
`10 more days till Dramatec Orientation Camp? o__o
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog**
`WDS Proposal**
`Visual Literacy 101 Squares**
`CMaths Tutorial**
`Computer Systems Project**
`PRSP Assignment*
~Angel, Leona Lewis
Monday, June 9, 2008
Monday 09th June - Do CMaths Tutorial
Tuesday 10th June - Nativity Youth Camp 08'
Wednesday 11th June - Nativity Youth Camp 08'
Thursday 12th June - Nativity Youth Camp 08'
Friday 13th June - Alvyn's 21st Birthday
Saturday 14th June - Do Up WDS Blog and Proposal
Sunday 15th June - PC, Lectors
Monday 16th June - More WDS Proposal Research
Tuesday 17th June - Start on Visual Literacy
Wednesday 18th June - Finish Up Visual Literacy?
Thursday 19th June - Free?
Friday 20th June - Dramatec Orientation Camp
Saturday 21st June - Dramatec Orientation Camp, Vanessa's 21st Birthday
Sunday 22nd June - PC, Lectors
Monday 23rd June - Back to School!
Almost fully booked during the holidays. Lucky me? Pfft... And I was complaining before? Me and my big mouth... Bleah! -.-"
Sunday, June 8, 2008
What If
What would happen if
Cinderella's glass shoe was never found?
Then she would stay in rags
And be worked close to death
By her cruel and heartless family.
What would happen if
Snow White was never kissed awake?
Then she would be dead and the dwarves
Would forever weep,
And Prince Charming would have found no Queen.
What would happen if
Sleeping Beauty's Prince Charming never came?
Then she would still be asleep in the tower,
Together locked in a nightmare
In her palace forever.
What would happen if
Beauty was given to a Beast with no heart?
Her beauty would be lost
And her grace and poise gone,
A servant she'd be to the Prince Charming never-be.
What would happen if
Fairy tales ended with unhappily ever after?
Princesses would die,
The witches and crooks and villains would cheer
And Prince Charmings would never have found their dears.Rachel Linn Vera Braberry
Just a thought on what would happen if fairy tales went wrong. Hahaha... (:
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I hate having empty days. ):
Oh well, let's hope that there'll be more things to do soon.
Wait a minute... I almost forgot, I have assignments to do... Hmmm...
Better end the post 'cause I have to go to Vivo...
`4 more days till Nativity Church Youth Camp! xD
`15 more days till Dramatec Orientation Camp. (:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog**
`WDS Proposal**
`Visual Literacy 101 Squares**
`Computer Systems Project**
`PRSP Assignment*
What the hell was I thinking? I HAVE ALOT OF WORK TO DO FOR TERM BREAK! GAH! D:
Friday, June 6, 2008
Though it's not like I haven't been slacking enough. Hahaha... d:
Bumped into some of my classmates in the canteen in the morning before the Computer Systems test paper, so I tried to mug with them...
By the way, the CMSY paper sucked 'cause I couldn't remember much... Bleah... ):
After the Computer Systems test paper, I hung out with Val and JianHui in the ITAS canteen. Gerald, LinXi were there too. Jason joined us later at around noon? Haha...
We joked about alot, talked gossiped, DJ Maxed, etcetera etcetera... I love "The King and I". Hahaha... Random much! (:
Anyways, today was mostly spent slacking and arranging books on this HUGE bookshelf that came in today. I think, if I'm not wrong, that I threw out about 3 boxes of old books that I knew I would never re-read. Bye bye books, I'll miss you... ):
Anyways, the following pictures show how the shelf looks like. (:
Note to self, kick the SI MANTOUS when I see them. RAWRS! D:<
`5 more days till Nativity Church Youth Camp! xD
`16 more days till Dramatec Orientation Camp. (:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog*
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Speaking of which, tomorrow is the last paper after which it will be my 2 week long term break. Time to bring out the sleeping bags and clothes for my upcoming camps. Yay! (:
Monday was the PRSP term test. PRSP was pretty much easy, which was actually quite a surprise to me, or maybe it was because I had the book. Hahaha...
Tuesday was WDS, which pretty much sucked thank you very much. At least I'm confident that I'll pass. (:
Today was CMaths which was alright, my practicing paid off! (:
Lately, I've been in deep thought a lot, don't ask me why because I won't tell you. I won't tell you not because it's personal, but because I myself have NO CLUE! Hahaha! (:
Not sure if tat's a good or a bad thing though... Hmmm...
Another thing to ponder about. I can never seem to stop thinking. I hate thinking, especially since I tend to think more negative than positive. Hmmm...
I better go to sleep so I can wake up super rejuvenated!
Yeah right... I wish...
`6 more days till Nativity Church Youth Camp! xD
`17 more days till Dramatec Orientation Camp. (:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`FINISH up WDS Blog*
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Had PRSP extra lessons yesterday from 9am to 11am, then I had lunch at mansa with LinXi, Val, Gerald, the three Mantous and Bell. We all wouldn't stop disturbing CS and bell, super fun. Hahaha... (:
Was broke 'cause of the stupid PRSP textbook so had to borrow some moola from Xiao Mantou. THANK YOU! (:
So now I owe him $3.50. Hahaha...
After that, we all went to the library and mooched for hours, just taking pics and generally having a ball of a time. Yup...
At about 2.30, when only Xiao Mantou, Val and me were left there, we departed. Val went to Tampines Interchange to meet Harris and Xiao Mantou and I went home. Made him walk to the bus stop with me, and he wouldn't stop "complaining", which was super entertaining. LoL (:
Two hours after reaching home, however, I realised I had a bloody fever! Like what the fudge man! So unexpected! So I was freezing, and swallowing hurt like mad 'cause of my sore throat. Fudge man... So yeah, slept at 9.30pm cause I couldn't stand the aches and the cold. Sleeping is just a waste of time man... ):
Woke up this morning and fever was gone, but the sore throat was WORSE! #$!#$@#%#@^!#^#^#%&@
Ah well...
Bored, dunno what to blog anymore...
`2 more days to Term Test... -.-"
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Start studying for upcoming Term Tests!!! ***
`FINISH up WDS Blog*
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Seemingly PerfectShe seems perfect
No matter how you look at her.
Perfect smile,
Perfect hair,
Perfect teeth.
She’s the apple of every boy’s eye,
The perfect daughter all parents want.
Good looks,
Good grades,
Good behavior.
She seems so pure and so innocent,
No cracks on the seemingly smooth glass.
No bad thoughts,
No lying,
No cheating.
But all this is an act of a girl who wishes that someone
Will see through the carefully crafted perfection.
Fake smiles,
Fake laughs,
Fake girl.
At night she sheds it all and behind closed doors
She unmasks her fake self to reveal the tortured soul.
She weeps,
She screams,
She pleads.
In the confines of her room, she removes the make-up
And reveals the eye bags formed over sleepless nights of studying.
The formulas,
The coffee,
The dull texts.
All the things she does,
The layers of make up and the nights of no sleep,
All to preserve the perfection she created.
Mornings applying mascara,
Afternoons perfecting,
Nights not sleeping.
If one pays attention
They can see that her eyes are hollow,
No emotion,
No light,
No life.
But how long will it take before one notices
That she’s not as perfect as she seems,
That she’s really just an empty shell
Walking with a porcelain mask of perfection on her face.
Will it be too late by then?
When people finally notice is when
She finally breaks under the pressure,
When the smooth china mask cracks
And the mascara runs onto the white surface…Rachel Linn Vera Braberry
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Been about a week since I typed a proper post, 'cause I was:
`ONE! Too lazy.
`TWO! Had boring average days.
So yeah... So let me try and recount the previous days... Hmmm...
Thursday was a normal average Thursday, if I remember correctly... Yeah, the only highlight was getting thrashed, once again, by Xiao Mantou in DJ Max 2. Grrrr... I WILL BEAT YOU ONE DAAAAAAAAAAY! YEAH! YOU CAN BET ON THAT MAN! (:
Friday was average too, except that I made... CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES! WOO HOO! (:
It took me like such a long time though, damn chocolates took like so long to harden till I realised I shouldn't have used so much Thickened Whipping Cream. Blah... Never mind, it was like my first time making it, so it was a really good try, ok? Hahaha... Anyways, lets the pictures and the captions do the talking for the entire process of making the Chocolate Truffles! (:
PMS3 was super fun! Rocked to the max man! YEAH! Took over 200 pictures, and yeah, that means a lot of uploading. Already uploaded half of it, the other half like maybe tomorrow night then upload. Muahahaha.... d:
Sunday basically sucked so won't talk about it.
Monday was worse so Rachel, just shut up. (:
Yesterday had dinner with the 3 Mantous and Xiao Long Bao. Went all the way to White Sands, bought that stupid bag of white washed potatoes and had dinner in the Kopitiam. Then bused 88 home with the Da Mantous. (:
This morning woke up at 5am to cook the stupid Hassel Potatoes which basically was a bloody waste of time since no one really ate it. Fudge, a bit pissed with that man... Wasted my time, sleep and money for nothing! Grrr....
After school, went to the Cyber Center to vote for IITC and TPSU.
Ok, then after that dinnered with Phantos to celebrate Ben's birthday. (:
Ok, now with the really super negative. Kindly please ignore the blank spot if you don't want to read some profanities and serious rants. If you really want to know then you can highlight the blank spot to read it. (:
There's one really irritating asshole in my class that's seriously ticking me off with his freaky ways. I mean there's a certain extent to clinginess, but please, can you please stop fucking following me? IT'S SERIOUSLY TICKING ME OFF! Like back off, go away, SCRAM! BECAUSE I SERIOUSLY HATE BEING STARED AT AND FOLLOWED! Not only does it piss me off and make me feel uncomfortable, it also ACTUALLY AFFECTS me socializing with others! SO JUST FUCK OFF MAN!
When I wanna be alone, it's like you follow me, and when I pratically run away from you, you just don't take the bloody hint and just follow me. Like what the hell man, what the fuck is wrong with you?! When I want to hang with my two friends, just the three of us, you suddenly pull away from the people you were initially with and join us. So I had to once again join some other group of friends 'cause I just didn't want to deal with you. So many more examples, but typing them out will only piss me off.
Ok, rant over. (:
Any-hooooooo, time to get cracking on my Web Design and Computer Skills Tutorials, so I better get going.
Catch you guys on the flip side! (:
`5 more days to Term Test! YIKERS! D:
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Start studying for upcoming Term Tests!!! ***
`FINISH up WDS Blog*
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hung out with the girls today, had loads of fun messing around with them. Yeah! (:
A little minor incident kinda saddened me in PRSP lab, but never mind, shan't relive that. Just have to remember that I should try not to talk to him much. Hmmm... Oh well, what's past shall remain in the past...
Was really bummed out that almost everyone had grouped themselves up for the CMSY project, but at least there's the two of them there. Yayness! (:
I really need to watch what I spend on, looks like I'll have to draw some money on Friday, YIKES! Ahhh!
Ok, blog post is over.
Sleep time after reading newpaper.
Ciaos! <3
`3 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3!!!!!!! (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Do up WDS Blog**
`Start studying for upcoming Term Tests!!! *
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
After Com Systems lecture, instead of revising for my CMaths test, I battled Xiao Mantou in DJ Max2, and dammit, I kept LOSING!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I think I'll pass my CMaths test anyways...
After that I walkedto the bus stop with Xiao Mantou, China Boy, G and D. We stopped by the bubble tea shop on the way and I got a strawberry ice blended. Super sweeeeet! (:
Came home, and played my DJ Max2.
Ok, nothing more to blog.
Bye bye! (:
`4 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3!!!!!!! (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Do up WDS Blog**
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ok, anyways, I finished typing the script for Comm Skills and right now, at this very moment, Shawn's helping me proof-read it! So, yayness! (:
Hmmm, I finished doing the tutorials 1-4 so I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for tomorrow's CMaths Test. Maybe I'll do the extra exercises tomorrow, IF I feel up to it.
Nothing much to blog anymore, so yeah....
`5 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3 (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Do up WDS Blog**
There are a few projects and assignments to be done, but I can't remember what they are... The only ones I CAN remember are for Comm Skills and the Web Design. Comm Skills project is like due next week and my group is like stuck at square ONE! Fudge sticks man, some group leader I turned out to be... God, I hate group work, thank goodness that this is the only project that requires group work, the others are individual. Yayness! (:
Web Design's final submission is like due 1-2 months away, but I better at least get started on the blog thingie so I have one less thing to do. Yup... Individual work is the love. :D
Which reminds me, I better buy that printer ink cartridge later, or else I'll have to ask others to help me print, which is something I don't really like to do 'cause it'll somehow make me feel indebted to them. Yup yup...
Let's see, yesterday was an alright Sunday, an average Sunday, yet somehow an awesome Sunday. (:
I'm kinda psyched 'cause I have a role in the upcoming large scale PC production. What am I, you ask? I'm gonna be acting as a Grandmama telling an old story to my grandchildren, and I'm also gonna be the narrator. Shan't reveal too much, if you wanna know more, just come to the play and see for ypurself! Hahaha... (:
Yesterday, Vinnie told me something which I really have to think about, so yeah... Hmmm...
I also read yesterday, so note to self, remember to keep hands folded at the abdomen area when walking up and down. (:
That's pretty much it, not going to blog about Saturday 'cause it was damn sucky. Yup...
Au revoir! (:
`5 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3 (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Do up the stupid Draft for the CMSK Finland script***
`Get a new Printer Ink Catridge***
`Revise for the CMaths Test tomorrow!***
`Ponder ALOT about THAT**
`Do up WDS Blog*
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Yesterday I had a regular average day, the only highlight was Visual Literacy. The thing about me is after I completed my piece, I just saw nothing but flaws, like the focal was all wrong, the shading sucked and the fudging hand was too small to me, but after a while, the piece started to grow on me. So yeah... C.C. and Kp said it looked all emo-goth-like. Hahaha... I'm a closet emo, just so you know. (:
Yup, the above picture is my Visual Lit piece. Quite happy with the outcome, considering it's the first time I used a marker to do a proper work of cross-hatch shading. I gave it a 68/100 for the personal score/rating question in the reflection journal. ANYONE WHO DARES TO RIP MY PICTURE WILL BE DISMEMBERED! (:
Today was CCN Day, don't ask me what CCN is 'cause I have no clue at all. Hahaha...
We sold like one can drink for 80 cents and 1 snack for 40 cents. The PS2 was so called "rented" out for $2.50 for 5 minutes of gameplay, including a can drink and a snack. Altogether we made quite a tidy sum of a profit, so go figure. (:
Bumped into ShuHan, Desmond and YaPing. From there I decided to skip CCA. I know, it's bad but I couldn't help it, heh... So instead of going for CCA, I went to have dinner with ShuHan, Desmond and Jay. After cam-whoring for a bit, we went to KFC for dinner. Took alot of really nice pics. Check'em out! (:
OH! I met Sophia! She's this girl that I've never seen for like 5 years? Yeah... I actually managed to recognize her, she however, didn't. But after I took off my glasses, she remembered me. Hahaha... Riiight...
By the time I departed from dinner, it was 10pm, so I went to the bus stop and bumped into more people. What's with me and bumping into so many people? Hahaha... Anways, I saw Dol, Chris and ChangYong there. Took the same bus as Chris and his friend. LoL...
Hmmm... Just now I did a "Get to Know Yourself Better" Quiz, and the following is the result, though there are one or two points that I SERIOUSLY don't agree with. I'll mark the ones I don't agree with with "X's". Hahaha... (:
Your view on yourself:Yup... I feel like damn tired, so I'm gonna troop off to bed in a moment's time. So...
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love: [X]
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
Pleasant Dreams! (:
`8 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3 (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Do up the stupid Draft for the CMSK Finland script.
`Get a new Printer Ink Catridge**
`Ponder ALOT about THAT**
`Do up WDS Blog*
`I dedicate this entry to my awesome fellow Phantosians Desmond, Jay, Ben and ShuHan for being my lovely models! Hahaha... (:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm dying in PRSP Lab. I'm sick of PRSP Lab at the moment. Sleep is what I need, I'm sleep deprived!!!! ):
Even though I slept pretty early. (12.30am)
I like DJMax 2 now, 'cause I finally, sorta got a hang of it. Yay me? (:
But I got trashed by Darren. Bleah...
I need to ponder more about that, though it's sorta fading. Hmmm... Think think think...
Ok, feeling more awake now. (:
Alot of things to do later during my break, need to print my research and photocopy my CMSK notes, not to mention have lunch! Yikers! x.x"
Hmmmm, I think lesson's gonna end reeaaaaaaal sooooooooooooooooooon....
Ok, leaving in a minute 'cause the teacher's gotta mark attendance first.
Yawn much...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yesterday was one of the most fun days I had with my class friends. Instead of sticking to just one group of friends, I mixed with others and had an absolute blast! Looks like it's goodbye to being a sulky-isolated-emo and hello to a new beginning. (:
Kept messing around and stealing Harris' cap, singing with Val, chatting with C.C. and KP, basically being a kid and goofing off with all of them. I finally understand how it feels to truly bond with classmates and be accepted by them for who I am. (:
Yesterday the computer acted up again, so irritating... Gah! But mummy fixed it so, YAY! (:
I like punctuating my entries with lots of smiley emoticons 'cause it shows how happy I am. (:
Today was an ok day too, mixed around even more, mix mix, chat chat, fun fun. (:
Darren uploaded DJMax 2 into my PSP during our break, really appreciate that a lot man. However, I'm like damn noob with it. Hand eye coordination sucks like hell please. (:
Had a Phantos dinner tonight, it wasn't as fun as the past ones, but it was still alright. Maybe because there were very few people there. Hmmm...
Note to self, kick Mr. Ladies Man the next time I see him. (:
Ok, I'm tired, so I'm gonna read the Newpaper, play DJMax then go to bed, so...
Oyasuminasai! (:
`11 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3 (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Finish up my Visual Literacy Piece (ENLARGE THE BLOODY THING)***
`Get a new Printer Ink Catridge**
`Ponder ALOT about THAT**
`Do up WDS Blog*
`I dedicate this entry to my awesome classmates and fellow Phantosians! (:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I failed the Squash trial, no surprise there... Failed it by 36 seconds! So irritating! Gaaaaah!!!!! There's supposed to be a re-trial on Tuesday, but I REALLY don't think that I stand a chance of passing it, so yeah... Hmmm...
On the other hand, I got the message that I got through the Dramatec auditions, so, yay me? Got it after I finished failing the test, and I was like damn surprised 'cause I really didn't think I'd get through. Hahaha... Yup... (:
I had a CMaths Make-up Lecture on Friday at 11am, which was sorta irritating because after that I had no more lessons, BUT I did have my first Drama session at 6 IN THE EVENING! So i went home, mooched a bit before going out again.
The first Drama session was interesting, fun and informative Drama games. Loved it! (:
Saturday was a drag with the only highlight being me organizing a Phantos Dinner on Tuesday.
PHANTOS! It's because of you that I love school and all it's odd aspects! Yeah! (:
I really need to brush up on my english, it's really going down the drain, yuckers...
Now, I'll blog about TODAY! (:
Sundays are always fun because of all the crazy friends there. HOWEVER! If someone were to ever ask me who was crazier, Phantos, or my lovely Church friends, I'd defintely have to say...
Ok, I have no clue 'cause both are JUST as crazy! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! xD
Alright, so I was supposed to help sell carnations outside Church with my fellow lectors at 11am mass, but then I had PC meeting, which to me is a higher priority since I didn't attend PC meeting in 2 weeks. Yup...
So anyways, I played Dai-Di (Big Two) with Glen, Gabriel, Gail and Eugene after PC meeting. The wager? A hug from Eugene, Glen or Gabriel! LOL! But sadly, I only won one round in all ten (?) rounds. My gosh, I REALLY need to brush up on strategising for card games such as these, yeah...
And speaking of which, I also have to keep a tighter grip on my temper, it's sorta getting out of hand lately... Hmmm...
That's kinda about it for the past few days, sadly dull, but oh so true...
I'm putting off that countdown, not so sure I wanna do it anymore 'cause I need more time to think about it... Yeah...
Toodles. (:
`13 more days till Phantos Make-out Session 3 (PMS3)
What's on Rachel's Itinerary?
`Ponder ALOT about THAT***
`Get a new Printer Ink Catridge*
`Do more research on Finland*
`Finish up my Visual Literacy Piece*
`Do up WDS Blog*
`Dedicate this entry to ShuHan! Ahahaha... (:
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Like a piece of paper,
I'll tear my past into pieces
And blow them into the horizon
So that all the memories,
The good and the bad,
Will be forgotten.
I'll start afresh,
Dip my quill in bold black ink
And start a new story,
On a fresh clean slate,
Because it's my life,
And I'm going to live it the way I want to.
The sky's the limit,
They've always said,
But I believe that our true limit
Is even beyond the clouds,
Past the stars and the galactic milky way.
There is no limit,
No boundary to hold me back no more,
The past will remain in the past,
I will forget that all.
So now,
Like a sutra I will chant to myself,
Run from the past,
Chase the present
And soar with the future...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Anyways, I forgot to mention, I'm currently in PRSP Lab, again. Hahaha... 3 hours with the same teacher. Sweet...
Ouchies, my legs...
Last night, before that er, emo blog post, I was playing Online Go Back Jump, super funny and so much easier than reality. But doing it in real life is so much more fun. WHACK AH! (:
Post the screen shots of it later...
I'm thinking of changing my blog skins 'cause at the moment, it looks so... Blah... Maybe I'll use my old blogskin code and create a new skin... Hmmm.... It's a thought. But it's not gonna be very well... Nevermind. Hahaha...
Ok... "Heart of Worship" suddenly flitted through my mind... Oddness much...
I'm getting bored of Alice, and I'm getting SICK of hearing the same bloody strums of the guitar from Alice! RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to change my spectacle lenses, I'm going blind... Ah... I WANT CONTACTS! Santa, please grant my wish. (:
Today's the day that we're supposed to find out if we made it through the Dramatec auditions. Hopefully I'll get in, despite me having had screwed up my audition.
Fudge sticks! Can they stop the bloody sound! It's getting seriously annoying! ):
Nothing much to blog about now, so I'm going to stone now, unless I'm somehow killed by the irritating strums of the "Beetles"...
Sometimes, I really DO hate myself because I can be such a hypocrite.
Nothing much to blog, feeling sorta down in the dumps at the moment,feeling moodless. I feel like my bloody heart's like a frigging pendulum.
Just shoot me and get it over with, let my heart beat no more.
Gawd, don't you just love teenage angst? 'cause I sure as fuck don't.
`14 days and counting till I do that...
I hate this moodlessness of mine...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I was watching this show on MTV called True Life: I'm on a Diet. It's about these 3 people (1 boy and 2 girls) who want to lose weight, but from what I gather, their still not happy about life despite it all because their obsession destroys their own happiness and affects the people around them, except for perhaps girl number one.
Girl number one wanted to lose weight for the sake of her health and at first, it was tough for her, but she persevered and ended up attaining her first goal, but not her second. But overall, she was a happier person.
Girl number two, on the other hand, was really obsessed about her goal, and that was to win at least one title in a beauty pageant and so she decided to take the easy way out, which was crash dieting. The only other thing she ate in those 2-3 months(?) was cottage cheese and nothing else. Throughout her diet, she actually tried to make her mother not to eat since she herself couldn't, which is really not a very nice thing to do because like hello? She is your mother, who are you to order her around? Her manager(?) could see, during the pageant, that she had lost lots of weight, but knew that it would have bad reactions to her health. Later, after she won a title, she went to pig out for that one night before she announced that she was going back to crash dieting the next day. How sad is that?
The guy was always obsessed about his weight and this actually broke down his family relationship. Even on his day off from dieting, he was still making sure that he was eating healthy, which meant only eating vegetables.
Overall, the boy and girl two never seemed to be truly happy, never seemed to enjoy life and it's moments because of their obsessed need to lose weight and control their eating. It is from this show that I deduce that no matter who we are, no matter how we look like, we should be happy with who we are or run the risk of never being truly happy. If this blog post doesn't make sense or contradicts with your own personal belief then I have nothing to say. (:
AND I believe that pageants should be banned/stopped because it's sexist and degrades women, it also lowers the self esteem of women.
Amen (:
Monday, May 5, 2008
3 more outings worth of photos left... Bleah!
Anyways, I said that I would blog about yesterday's day, so I will!
I decided to go to Vivo City instead of PC meeting to get some stuff from Candy Empire for my mortal and the four immersion girls in Lectors, which kind of made me broke. Oh well... I got 4 Rittersport Chocolates (Nougat, Biscuit, Strawberry and White Choc Nut flavors) and 2 packets of Starburst gummys. None for me though! 'Cause no more money! Hahaha!
Then whooshed back to church to for Lectors, we played Werewolf. I ended up as Cupid so guess who I paired up? None other than Sebastian and Matthias! Hahaha, DAMN funny man! :D
After meeting, went to Auntie Dot's house. The usual gang was there, though Godpa, Shawn and Stephanie left after i was there for like 30 minutes. Anyways, we all watched this British show called "Mind Your Language", and it was like super uber funny! Loved the part where Danielle had a new rival called Ingrid. Battle of the babes much? Hahaha...
After Dinner, which was homemade Chicken Rice, we all mooched a bit before we all departed for home.
OK! That was Sunday! NOW, for MONDAY! Which is today. Haha...
Was lazy to go draw money for mum in the morning, so decided to go after school. Yeah... Lessons were pretty alright, must remember to get that APEL textbook though whilst it's still at half price. Yup... After lessons, I bumped into some Phantosians. (Namely Ben, Shawn, Rashid, Wan and ShuHan) and had dinner with them which turned out to be a good move 'cause that made the traffic on the way home lighter due to the time. So from now on, if ever I end at 6pm, I'll stick around till 7pm! Yeah! (:
Oh, right, I broke my "No Hugging for a Week" Resolution. HAHAHA! So, now that I know that it's too embedded in me, I'm just gonna hug in moderation. (:
Nothing else to update on, so...
Ja ne!
`15 days and counting. My courage is definitely wavering, so I'm 55% sure that I'll do it... Jiayou Rachel! (:
There's currently nothing to do since I've already finished with the exercise that she assigned us so here I am, shaking legs and blogging. Bah...
Speaking of blogs, I have to remember to start on the WDS Project Blog thingie. Urgh... Projects... At least it's individual, I absolutely abhor group work, or maybe it's because I never had a good experience with group work... Hmmm...
Peter Piper
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
I still love and remember this tongue twister. Heh...
I'm starving...! My last meal was at 9am! I overestimated myself, I thought that my breakfast was enough to last me for the day. Grrr...
"Planning is very important." That's what my teacher said about CSS Web Designing. We just learnt how to do CSS Styles, External and Internal CSS and stuff... Looks like our teacher's not gonna be here for the next few weeks, sad... Lectures are important! That's what she just said! Haha... Right... Ok, lesson's over.
Toodles! (:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Let's see, we had 2.4km run first and I practically died out there in that blazing sun. Bah! Then we had "The Torture Chamber". It consisted of 15 star jumps, 15 sit ups, 15 push ups, 15 bend hops(?) and 20 laps of suicide run. After a 3 minute rest, we did them AGAIN! AAAAHHHhhhh...
Ok, so got home after that, bathed and rested. Took a one hour nap before getting ready for the Phantos Dinner in... HOUGANG! Meeting point was like 10 minutes away from home. Hahaha... Yay me!
So went over, met moody Shawn and sorta stoned Ben, but they got lively after several Oom Oom Chucky and Go Back Jumps. Shawn was our Shi Fu for Sa! Haha... Then Yanti came, followed by Anthony, the organizer of the outing/dinner, and Clarence, then we were off to Hougang Mall! We got a Munchy Donut each there too, which reminds me! I have to pay back Anthony! Oops... Remember, $1.30! (:
Then we sat infront of Hougang Post(?) Branch and ate our donuts and hey ho! Before long, Denise, Joana and Reuben made their appearance! So we went to LJS for dinner since Pepper Lunch was too crowded and wasn't Halal. When we were there, the others started teasing Yanti about "Hia"? LoL... We occupied like 3 tables since there were eleven of us. I table hopped later, for reasons not gonna be stated here, to sit with Ben and Yanti. Heh... Dolly, Ryan and Lester joined us later in LJS too. Definitely a case of the more the merrier. (:
We messed around in the arcade after that and I absolutely CANNOT play Table/Air Hockey. GAH! Not even one goal. Bleah... Cindy joined us in the arcade later too! Yay! After spending one hour in the arcade, we went out and some bought dessert at McDonalds and then I took a tonne of photos outside. Hee...
I took like about 100 pictures from the outing, so later I'm kinda uploading them all in since I cannot upload in PhotoBucket. Why my computer?! Why has thou forsaken me???? Boo hoo...
So yeah, that's it for yesterday's funnerific Saturday!
Now it's Sunday, which means I have Persona Christi and Lectors meeting later. It's the last week of Immersion and I know I messed up with the Angel Mortal thing. Oh my dear fudge, Trudy's gonna kill me... After all that, I have to rush over to Auntie Dot's house for another fun(?) family gathering.
Note to Self:Must remember to bring my cards. (:
So yeah, that's it about yesterday and my agendas for today. AND I must remember, cannot hug anyone for a week! I may not survive though. Hahaha...
Au Revoir for now! (:
`6 days before I can hug again. ):
`16 days and counting. Still not sure if I'll have the guts to do it by then. ):
Friday, May 2, 2008
I have Dramatec auditions later and tomorrow morning, I have Squash Trial/Training.
I'm not quite sure if I'll make it through the auditions, but I'll try my best anyways, fingers crossed!
Went to Plaza Sing with mum yesterday evening to get my thumb drive and watch Iron Man. The show is really good, graphics are good, plot's ok, and the acting was almost convincing. A definite 8/10 from me! :D
Most people may think it odd, but I guess you can say that I have two diaries? One blog, which is of course this one, and a real journal. Casual thoughts and events are typed here and the more personal stuff is written in the journal. Wrote my first entry yesterday, which is long overdue considering the fact that I bought the book in late March? Hahaha...
Was surfing the web earlier, and I suddenly remembered a cute song by Mandy Moore. It's called Stupid Cupid and I REALLY like it. Haha... (:
Stupid Cupid
By Mandy Moore
Stupid Cupid
You're a real mean guy
I'd like to clip your wings
So you can't fly
I am in love and it's a crying shame
And I know that you're the one to blame
Hey hey
Set me free
Stupid Cupid
Stop picking on me
I can't do my homework
And I can't think straight
I meet him every morning
At 'bout half-past eight
I'm acting like a lovesick fool
You've even got me carrying his books to school
Hey hey
Set me free
Stupid Cupid
Stop picking on me
You messed me up for good
Right from the very start
Hey, go play Robin Hood
With somebody else's heart
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what your puttin' down
Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is
That I like it fine
Hey hey
Set me free
Stupid Cupid
Stop picking on me
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what your puttin' down
Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is
That I like it fine
Hey hey
Set me free
Stupid Cupid
Stop picking on me
Hey hey
Set me free
Stupid Cupid
Stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid
Hmmm... If what I signed up for is REALLY a talent showcase, I'm going to be singing Love Me, originally sung by Collin Raye. Audition's supposed to be in 2-3 weeks so let's hope I'm good enough to get through, eh? Got my fingers and toes crossed! (:
That's it for now, so maybe later I'll post about how the auditions went. Toodles! :D
Note to Self: Countdown starts NOW! 18 days and counting. Let's see if I do have the guts to do it. (: